Here are current and past Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker owner’s manuals.
To download a manual, right-click the link and choose “Save Target As…” from the pop-up menu. If you print a manual, set your printer to the highest print quality possible for best results.
Notice: These documents are provided by TVWB for the private, noncommercial use of Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker owners.
Each document is copyrighted by Weber-Stephen Products LLC. TVWB does not claim any rights to the content of these documents or to any intellectual property or product designs of Weber-Stephen Products LLC.
However, the scanning, formatting, and publishing of these documents in PDF format represent a considerable investment in equipment, software, and labor on the part of TVWB. You may not republish, post, transmit, or distribute these documents in any way whatsoever without the permission of TVWB.
Current Manual

Smokey Mountain Cooker Smoker Owner’s Guide: 2018 – Present
Adobe PDF, 6MB, 23 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart, and cover photo
Part number: 48602
Dated: 01/01/18
Past Manuals
Smokey Mountain Cooker Smoker Owner’s Guide: 2016 – 2018
Adobe PDF, 16MB, 23 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart, and cover photo
Part number: 48602
Dated: 12/01/16
Smokey Mountain Cooker Smoker Owner’s Guide: 2013 – 2016
Adobe PDF, 19MB, 36 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart, and cover photo
Part number: 54795
Dated: 7/2/13
This is the first owner’s manual to include the new 14.5″ WSM and existing 18.5″ and 22.5″ models.
Smokey Mountain Cooker Smoker Owner’s Guide: 2011 – 2013
Adobe PDF, 6.6MB, 14 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart, and cover photo
Part number: 54255
Dated: 09/01/11
Smokey Mountain Cooker Smoker Owner’s Guide: 2009 – 2011
Adobe PDF, 10.2MB, 20 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart, and cover photo
Part number: 56001
Dated: 08/19/09
This is the first owner’s manual to include the new 22.5″ WSM and existing 18.5″ model.
Smokey Mountain Cooker Smoker Owner’s Guide: 2008 – 2009
Adobe PDF, 6.5MB, 20 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart, and cover photo
Part number: 56001
Dated: 10/01/08
WSM Owner’s Guide & Cookbook: 2005 – 2008
Adobe PDF, 12MB, 28 pages (5.5″ x 8.5″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart
Part number: 63230
Dated: 4/10/05
WSM Owner’s Manual: 2001 – 2005
Adobe PDF, 12MB, 28 pages (5.5″ x 8.5″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart
Part number: 63230
Dated: 05/18/01
WSM Owner’s Manual: 1995 – 2001
Adobe PDF, 2.6MB, 28 pages (5.5″ x 8.5″)
Black & white diagrams, clipart
Part number: 63230
Dated: 6/95
WSM Owner’s Manual: 1988
Adobe PDF, 4.9MB, 16 pages (8.5″ x 5.5″)
Full color photography, diagrams, clipart
Part number: SMC-10801
Dated: 3/88

This colorful manual features a cover photo that’s almost identical to the one found on the 1980s WSM box art. Can you spot the difference? (Hint: Who caught the fish?) Like the old box art, this cover also features a photo of the original Model 2880 18.5″ WSM.
This 1988 manual includes quite a few differences in content from today’s manual, including tips such as wrapping the water pan in foil for easy cleaning and filling the pan using a water can. Assembly instructions are not included in this manual—that was covered in a separate instruction sheet (see below).
It’s also interesting to note that while today’s manual has several pages of warnings, this manual has only three warning items tucked away on the corner of page 5…how times have changed!
I also have a photocopied version of this manual from 1981. It is identical in all respects to this revision, except that the phrase “The one. The only.” is printed just below the Weber logo on pages 1, 2, and 16.
Thanks to Dave Estrem for providing this manual to TVWB.
WSM Assembly Instructions & Parts List – 1983
Adobe PDF, 793KB, 2 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
Black & white diagrams
Part Number: 30301
Dated: 1/83
Instructions and schematic diagrams for assembly and operating modes (smoking, barbecuing, and steaming). Includes a list of Model 1880 and 2880 part numbers. The only shared part numbers between the two models—the screws, nuts, and washers!z
Thanks to Rita Yeazel for providing this document to TVWB.
Temporary Smoking Instructions – 1981
Adobe PDF, 613KB, 3 pages (8.5″ x 11″)
Black & white diagrams
Part Number: None
Dated: Undated
This is the oldest piece of WSM documentation that I am aware of. It came with a WSM that was sold in Lake Forest, IL in 1981. It is undated and does not carry the Weber logo or a part number, but it does contain text and diagrams that found their way into the 1981 – 1988 full-color manual and the 1983 WSM Assembly Instructions & Parts List.
Thanks to Catherine Lambrecht for providing this document to TVWB.