Since barbecue sometimes takes a long time to cook, you might need a snack to tide you over. Here are some fun ideas you can try on the Weber Bullet while cooking other meats.
At its most basic, a barbecued “fatty” is nothing more than a 12-16 ounce roll of breakfast sausage cooked whole in the WSM.
I used Jimmy Dean maple-flavored sausage (shown in the first three photos above) because I like the sweetness, but any favorite brand and variety of sausage roll will work—mild, hot, maple, whatever.
Carefully remove the packaging, keeping the sausage roll in its original shape. Use your hands to smooth the ends and any rough areas.
Barbecue in the WSM at 225-275°F to an internal temp of 165°F measured with an instant-read thermometer. There’s no need to turn or baste the sausage.
Variations include sprinkling the sausage in a favorite rub, wrapping it with bacon before cooking, stuffing it with fillings, or doing all three as with the Breakfast Bacon Weave Fatty shown in the last two photos above.
Moinks: Bacon-Wrapped Meatballs
“Moinks” are bacon-wrapped meatballs that are smoked or grilled and brushed with barbecue sauce. You can make your own meatballs using a favorite recipe, or you can use frozen meatballs. You’ll also need a pound of bacon (not thick-sliced), some of your favorite barbecue rub and barbecue sauce, and toothpicks.
Form the meatballs (if using frozen, defrost them) and cut the bacon strips in half. Sprinkle both sides of bacon with rub to your liking, wrap it around a meatball, and secure with a toothpick.
Cook in the WSM at 225-250°F for 1-1/2 to 2 hours, until the bacon is done to your liking. Brush with barbecue sauce, cook another 10-15 minutes, and enjoy. Alternatively, you can finish them directly over the hot coals in the WSM for crispier bacon (watch carefully, they burn quickly) or you can grill them like the ones shown here by TVWBB member Dwain Pannell. Thanks to Dwain for sharing these photos!
Hot Dogs
Bryan S. from Lancaster, PA says that grilled hot dogs are OK, but smoked hot dogs in the WSM are the best. While cooking other meats, just put a few dogs on the grate. “You never turn them,” says Brian, “just let them sit in there and sweat. They plump up and get a nice dark brown, smoky flavor and are just perfect.”
If barbecuing at 225-250°F, the hot dogs will be done in about 1 hour; at 325-350°F, 30 minutes.
Comedian Jeff Foxworthy says, “You might be a redneck if you’ve ever barbecued Spam on the grill.” Well, I don’t know about that, but it is an old favorite in barbecue circles.

While barbecuing other meats, just lay a hunk of Spam in the cooker and let it enjoy the heat and smoke for about 2 hours. 250-275°F will get the job done. Tastes just like Spam, but with a nice smokiness that’s really good.

For the Spam shown here, I applied a thin coat of yellow mustard and a good dusting of a DIY version of Slap Yo’ Daddy All-Purpose Rub, then brushed with a DIY version of Slap Yo’ Daddy All-Purpose Easy Sauce after smoking for 2 hours.

I recommend using the reduced sodium version of Spam if you’re going to apply rub and barbecue sauce, otherwise you may get an overwhelming salty flavor.

Canned Ham
George Howard from Alexandria, VA says that those little 1-pound canned hams that come in holiday gift baskets are pretty tasty when smoked on the Weber Bullet.
George writes, “When my wife and I recently combined households, I discovered that we had an assortment of those weird canned hams, which make excellent doorstops, but are not too desirable as food. Since I was cooking some ribs anyway, I stuck one of the small canned hams (minus the can) on the bottom grate. After the ribs were done, I let the ham go for another hour or so. Well, it still tasted mostly like a canned ham, but was much leaner, and had a terrific smoky flavor. It actually made a pretty tasty sandwich.”
For the DAK brand canned ham shown here, I started with a thin coat of yellow mustard followed by a sprinkle of a DIY version of Slap Yo’ Daddy All-Purpose Rub.

The canned ham went into a 250-275°F Weber Bullet for 2 hours.

After smoking, I brushed the canned ham with a DIY version of Slap Yo’ Daddy All-Purpose Easy Sauce.

These little canned hams don’t have the greatest reputation, but smoking them in the WSM makes a big improvement.

Smoked Bologna
Smoked bologna is a favorite barbecued luncheon meat, especially in the Midwest and South. In fact, it’s so popular that it’s got it’s own article here on TVWB!
Moink photos: 2013 by Dwain Pannell